
Welcome, to TelepsyOnline.com and Dr. Robert A. Marselle.

Here contains important information about this office’s professional services and business policies. Please read it carefully and write down any questions you might have so that we can discuss them.

A comprehensive psychological evaluation with psychometric testing is determined on a case by case basis and is only done in the Valencia office testing room. The cost is determined by the measurement instruments required, what type of report is generated, and is calculated on the amount of time required to complete our agreement. My fees are reasonable and lower than average for the State of California.

If your case requires an affidavit or report or if I need to consult with an attorney or guardian ad litem, I will charge for the time necessary to complete the task. A charge will be made based on the amount of time needed for this service. Payment is expected at the end of each session or before a letter, court appearances or psychometrics testing begins.

The considerations used in determining value are influenced by the type of evaluation, Medicare Fee for Service amounts, and complexity of test instruments required. There are significant time differences included with each procedure because of scoring and interpretation of each test and how the big picture is affected by the procedures. Dr. Marselle chooses tests for self-referred patients. A self-referred evaluation requires a pretest interview that determines the referral question(s). A referral question is a reason for testing. A pretest interview will either eliminate the need for testing or determine the measurement instruments necessary to answer specific issues and nuances. If your case requires an affidavit or letter(s) or if I need to consult with an attorney or guardian ad litem, I will charge for the time necessary to complete the task. A charge will be made based on the amount of time needed for this service. Payment is expected at the end of each session.



Free 15 minute consultation

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