Bipolar Disorder Treatment
Are You Having Trouble Adapting To Changes In Your Emotions Or Mood?
Are You Having Trouble Adapting To Changes In Your Emotions Or Mood?
Do you experience times of high energy and hyperactivity when you feel like you can do anything? Do you sometimes fall into periods of depression that leave you feeling hopeless and isolated? Does it seem as though you cannot accomplish all you are capable of because you only have a short window of feeling confident and focused?
Bipolar disorder, just like depression, is a mood disorder. But, unlike depression, individuals with bipolar disorder experience cycles in their moods. Like a battery, there is a positive and negative pole, and your emotions can shift between them. At times you might feel “normal,” neither hyper nor depressed. As your mood cycles up, you may become euphoric or hyperactive and feel vibrantly engaged with the world. During these hyperactive episodes, racing thoughts and increased energy can make it hard to relax, and you may become agitated or go days without sleeping, which can lead a wide variety of physical, mental and emotional issues. You might struggle to make healthy decisions or second-guess risky behavior, believing yourself to be invincible or to already have all of the information you need. As the cycle reverses, however, you may experience severe depression and become overwhelmed with doubt, insecurity and a sense of helplessness or hopelessness.
You may not recognize how your moods are affecting your judgment and criticize yourself for decisions you make while feeling either hyper or depressed. Maybe you have learned to become controlling in your life and interactions as a way to cope with bipolar disorder and its impact on your personal and professional relationships. Perhaps a spouse, parent or friend has noticed a change in your behavior, but you don’t know where you can turn to find a reliable diagnosis and effective support. Do you wish you could better understand why your moods shift, how bipolar disorder may be affecting you and what you can do to take control of your thoughts and behavior?
Many Individuals Don’t Know Why They Are Struggling
The changes in mood that are associated with bipolar disorder affect every individual in a unique way. Shifts in mood can take place rapidly or happen more subtly, over a period of weeks or months. Similarly, periods of hyperactivity and depression can vary in length, from several days to multiple weeks. Many individuals struggle to understand why they are experiencing symptoms often associated with depression – such as irritability, anxiety and difficulty sleeping – when they feel positive or euphoric. Others undergo more extreme changes in behavior as they cycle between euphoria and depression. Irrational beliefs, feelings of paranoia and even auditory hallucinations can make it difficult to keep up with daily responsibilities and may result in bizarre or inappropriate public behavior. As a result, many individuals with bipolar disorder find themselves spending time in the hospital, jail or an institution.
To make things more difficult, bipolar disorder treatment presents its own obstacles. You may resist treatment when you feel good or euphoric because you wish to maintain the positive feelings. And, while bipolar medication can help balance your emotions and control symptoms, the side effects can leave some individuals feeling uncomfortable or detached from their emotions.
With bipolar treatment, you will receive the information, resources and support you need to recognize how shifting moods are impacting your life and what you can do to manage difficult or distressing thoughts and symptoms.
Bipolar Disorder Treatment Can Help You Feel In Control
Bipolar disorder treatment has been shown to be effective in helping manage and reduce the impact bipolar disorder has on your life and your relationships. You may be able to function at a high capacity most days but know, deep down, that something is holding you back. Medical doctors frequently miss the signs of bipolar disorder, and your confusion about your cycling moods may make you feel like you are going crazy. I can help you understand your mood disorder and learn how to recognize when you are becoming hyperactive or depressed so you can take steps to manage distressing or unhealthy thoughts and symptoms.
Therapy can help you find out if you have bipolar disorder and develop a strategic approach to bipolar treatment. Our goal during sessions is to decrease painful symptoms and the negative impact they are having on your life and relationships. Together, we can explore different options to give you the resources, tools and support you need to manage changing moods. You may benefit from adding medication to your treatment plan, for example, or making a change in your diet or exercise routine. By learning to be mindful and aware of how you feel, you can recognize when you are sliding toward euphoria or depression and catch the cycle before it progresses. You can reduce the length of hospital stays by admitting yourself voluntarily, allowing you to stabilize your moods in days instead of weeks.
As a licensed psychologist and a registered nurse (RN), I have spent years working in hospitals and psychiatric facilities across California. I have seen bipolar disorder at its worst and understands how it can impact both adults and children. Additionally, I am familiar with hospital culture and can help reduce feelings of frustration or embarrassment by finding the right doctors and hospital for your particular needs. Telepsychology falls under outpatient treatment, and it often requires supervision and the collaboration of your prescribing physician. You and I will work together to develop contingency plans so you can take care of yourself during euphoric or depressive periods. If you are open to it, we may bring in one loved one whom you trust completely to help you gain a wider support system you can rely on as you cope with cycling emotions.
I have been helping individuals understand and manage bipolar disorder for years. The key to living a more peaceful life is being educated and finding a treatment plan that fits your lifestyle. Telepsychology offers the knowledge, resources and practical skills you need to stabilize your moods and feel like yourself. You can develop a plan of checks and balances that allow for more seamless, less distressing and shorter hospital stays. I also integrate all forms of bipolar disorder treatment – from traditional medicine to alternative approaches – so you can feel respected and foster high-quality life free from judgment and stigma.
But, you may still have questions or concerns about treatment for bipolar disorder…
I don’t like the way I feel when I’m taking bipolar medication
Medication for bipolar disorder can help stabilize your mood, but you may feel hesitant or resistant to taking medication. If you are cycling upward, you may not want to be brought back down. Alternately, you may not feel like yourself when you are in the “balanced” phase between euphoria and depression. There are alternatives to medication that sometimes work, and I can help you learn about treatment options and what you need to do to avoid unwanted medications and side-effects.
I’m not sure I have bipolar disorder. Couldn’t this be the result of normal changes in mood or an increase in stress?
As a certified psychologist, TeleMental Health Provider and registered nurse (RN) in the state of California, I have extensive experience testing and diagnosing a wide variety of disorders, including bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety. In addition to providing a diagnosis or second opinion, I can help you identify long-term issues and take steps to reduce the impact bipolar disorder has on your life.
I don’t have the time to commit to treatment for bipolar disorder
As we help you develop a support system for when your mood, needs and wants change, you can quickly reach a point where you no longer need to meet every week. And, because you can access therapy online from the comfort and privacy of your own home, we can always increase sessions during difficult cycles to help you maintain control.